Quicksilver - 皇牌維他命C補充劑 Vitamin C Elderberry



皇牌維他命C補充劑 加入接骨木果,提高免疫平衡給抗氧化能力。 含有花青素類黃酮幫助增強免疫能力呼吸道工能。 接骨木果含有的防氧化成分比藍莓和蔓越莓更高,在傳統醫學中,接骨木果被用於舒緩關節相關的疼痛。它也被許多人用來改善上呼吸道感染的症狀,而且接骨木果含有大量的防氧化成分,特別是多酚,例如花青素,就是花青素讓這些漿果呈現藍紫色,並且是具有抗發炎作用的強效抗氧化劑。接骨木莓對心臟和血管健康的某些標誌物具有正面的作用。研究表明接骨木莓果汁可以減少血液中的脂肪含量並降低膽固醇,更可降低罹患心臟病的風險。 Vitamin C + Elderberry Support immune defenses throughout the year to help you through unexpected health challenges. Elderberry and vitamin C join forces in this fast-acting immune-support tonic powered by our liposomal delivery technology. Elderberry – Helps support production of vital immune molecules and cellular antioxidant potential while deterring unwanted invaders. Vitamin C – Vital antioxidant nutrient that supports white blood cell production and lung defenses to help optimize immune and respiratory health. Vitamin E as delta tocotrienols – Safeguards delicate cell membranes to help shield against the effects of seasonal challenges. Delta tocotrienols offer 50x the antioxidant activity of tocopherols, the form of vitamin E used in many competitor supplement. Unsurpassed Absorption – Typical Elderberry and vitamin C products have poor bioavailability. Liposomal technology has been found to significantly enhance the absorption of these nutrients.

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